Descartes medallists

Alexander, David

David Alexander has taken a very active role in professional organizations and mathematics curriculum development in Ontario. He taught at Bloor C.I. in Toronto, the University of Toronto Schools and the Faculty of Education at the University of Toronto, where he was also chair of the Mathematics Education Department. 
In addition, David was on secondment for two years as an Educational Officer with the Ministry of Education. In that capacity he worked on mathematics curriculum for grades 7 to O.A.C., and on a teacher in-service program for calculus.
David has held a number of executive positions including President of O.A.T.M. and first President, then later, Executive Director, of O.A.M.E. He was on the Senate of O.E.A. and is the co-author of a number of textbooks for secondary school students.
David attended Bedford Park P.S. and Lawrence Park C.I. in Toronto. He got his post-secondary education at the University of Toronto and at State University of New York in Buffalo.
David’s hobbies include curling, golf, boating and gardening.

    Alexander, David
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