Descartes medallists

Canton, Barbara J.

Barbara's extensive variety of pursuits shows her strong-willed dedication and pursuit of excellence. She has taught drama, math, and English at numerous schools for the past 34 years, and currently presides as the Head of Mathematics at L.C.V.I. in Kingston. In addition to earning her Master's in Education from Queen's, she has worked on nine textbooks, marked CEMC math contests, and presented at mathematics workshops at both schools and OAME conferences. She has also acted as a math tutor, teaching computer literacy to teachers, and has been an instructor with Queen's Faculty of Education since 1995. These activities, however, are just the beginning of her academic pursuits. In addition to these, Barbara participates in student government, musicals, and fundraisers. She has participated in leadership camps and been involved in numerous committees. Using the other half of her degree, she also directs stage performances and finds herself involved in television and radio. Furthermore, she enjoys writing and travelling, and has earned her private pilot's license.

    Canton, Barbara J.
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